4 Things to Avoid When Facing a Criminal Problem

April 21, 2017Criminal Defense, San Mateo

I recently reviewed some posts I have done in the past with the intent of ensuring information I put out into the ether remain current and informative. As I was doing this, I watched an interview I did with Legal Files a while back about common mistakes people make when they are faced with a criminal problem. Although the video was done a while ago, the points I made still ring true. It’s surprising how often people who are faced with criminal issues can avoid more serious situations by adhering to a few simple steps which I will outline below.

1. Do NOT Try and Talk Your Way Out Of It

Many people believe the criminal problem they are facing is a simple misunderstanding, and if they just explain themselves, the misunderstanding will be cleared. Although good in theory, people tend to talk themselves into a deeper hole which causes more problems down the road.

2. Do NOT Deny the Fact That the Problem Exists

If you or someone you know is under investigation, ignoring that fact and avoiding dealing with it will not lead to a resolution. Allowing an investigation to continue without consulting legal counsel or avoiding the situation altogether will rarely result in the criminal problem going away.

3. Do NOT Talk to the Police

When people talk to the police about their criminal problems, the police often twist the person’s words and take them out of context to the advantage of the prosecution in pursuing a criminal case. If you do not talk to police, you don’t have to worry about your words being taken out of context and being used against you or referred to in a criminal case.

People tend to not realize they have a constitutional right not to speak with the police about their criminal issues. The founding fathers of the Constitution knew when they afforded this right that most private citizens are no match for law enforcement and are not on equal footing. As a result, people do not have to speak with the police about their criminal issues, and instead, should seek legal counsel.

4. Do NOT Try to Save Costs by Not Hiring an Attorney

Frankly speaking, it costs money to hire a private attorney to represent you in a criminal investigation or case. However, depending on the nature of the investigation or the charges, it can actually save you time and money in the long run. A person will typically spend $3,000.00 for a vacation, wouldn’t you spend that much on your freedom?